I love anything and everything festive. To characterize a person, a place, a color, a food, an anything as festive is, from me, high praise. This season - of light, generosity, and gathering - is a favorite of mine for obvious reasons. I know the dark-at-four days are brutal for many but in so far as they are the perfect backdrop for those tiny warm white twinkle lights and early candlelight – festive. Gifting things, making things, special meals, decorating, taking extra care with things big and small – also festive. Here’s something I’ve noticed, though – I can take it too far and it becomes a season of overstuffed, overcommitted, overwhelmed, over everything – decidedly not festive.
This was brought home to me the other day during a conversation with my eldest child. In response to “How are you?” I listed, with a sense of irritation, the hustle and bustle of my day, “I dropped off this, and then I went here to look at a possible Christmas present and then I have to go home and make an olive oil cake for this thing I am going to tonight..” etc. etc. I paused mid-litany to note that all of the things I was complaining about were things I not only enjoy but add up to festive. But not when they are too tightly packed together.
Festivity needs space to twinkle and breathe. Abundance needs room to spread out. Belly laughter needs time to develop and overflow. Creating space and time not only for, but around these goodnesses makes them feel even more of what they are; conversely, sometimes more – things, productivity, efficiency, effort, even goodnesses– adds up to less.
Wishing you a festive and lounge-y, splayed out on the couch, spread out over the table, time and space-taking holiday season.
xo Jill