Pharm Notes
What we're doing, seeing, loving, feeling.

Morning Pages
I hope you all can find ways to take a minute and check in on what feels good for you, right now. Sometimes it might surprise you.
Morning Pages
I hope you all can find ways to take a minute and check in on what feels good for you, right now. Sometimes it might surprise you.

Experiments in Hiatuses
Create space to get curious and particular about what it is about something we appreciate and enjoy, can and can’t do without.
Experiments in Hiatuses
Create space to get curious and particular about what it is about something we appreciate and enjoy, can and can’t do without.

Twinkle and Breathe
Wishing you a festive and lounge-y, splayed out on the couch, spread out over the table, time and space-taking holiday season.
Twinkle and Breathe
Wishing you a festive and lounge-y, splayed out on the couch, spread out over the table, time and space-taking holiday season.

Thank Yous
Poke around in moments of inconvenience and inefficiency, planned or unplanned, and see what might be growing there.
Thank Yous
Poke around in moments of inconvenience and inefficiency, planned or unplanned, and see what might be growing there.

Take Good Care
At Urban Pharm, we not only delight in but take seriously the impact of making and offering things with generosity and care.
Take Good Care
At Urban Pharm, we not only delight in but take seriously the impact of making and offering things with generosity and care.

Nature's Perpetual Offerings
Walking around delighting in what nature offers up populates our inner and outer worlds with more delight. And it doesn’t cost a thing. So I hope you’ll get out there,...
Nature's Perpetual Offerings
Walking around delighting in what nature offers up populates our inner and outer worlds with more delight. And it doesn’t cost a thing. So I hope you’ll get out there,...

Let’s get picking, friends!
I began to celebrate the under-ripe rosehip as a reminder to enjoy and celebrate all that is at the moment delicious, and anticipate what is ripening and will peak after...
Let’s get picking, friends!
I began to celebrate the under-ripe rosehip as a reminder to enjoy and celebrate all that is at the moment delicious, and anticipate what is ripening and will peak after...

Driving with Grace
Every time I got behind the wheel, it became a kind of game, an opportunity to see how many little bits of grace I could inject into the spaces between...
Driving with Grace
Every time I got behind the wheel, it became a kind of game, an opportunity to see how many little bits of grace I could inject into the spaces between...

The Longest Day of the Year
What we forage and cull from our environments, thoughts, and conversations has a lot to do with what they contribute to the layers of experience that make up a day,...
The Longest Day of the Year
What we forage and cull from our environments, thoughts, and conversations has a lot to do with what they contribute to the layers of experience that make up a day,...

If You See Something
There is all sorts of beauty, generosity, and possibility of human connection out there in the same world that there is plenty to feel threatened by. It can be hard...
If You See Something
There is all sorts of beauty, generosity, and possibility of human connection out there in the same world that there is plenty to feel threatened by. It can be hard...

Whenever we connect even to just one something outside of ourselves, we become a part of something bigger and may feel a little less separate; even a little sliver of...
Whenever we connect even to just one something outside of ourselves, we become a part of something bigger and may feel a little less separate; even a little sliver of...

Maybe sometime this week, you pop a squat on your proverbial stoop while you drink your coffee (or your shrubby concoction!), stretch, or simply take a minute to connect with...
Maybe sometime this week, you pop a squat on your proverbial stoop while you drink your coffee (or your shrubby concoction!), stretch, or simply take a minute to connect with...

Native Plants
When native plants are at home life grows up, around, and with them easily. They are nourished and nourishing in surround sound when what doesn’t fit gets pruned back.
Native Plants
When native plants are at home life grows up, around, and with them easily. They are nourished and nourishing in surround sound when what doesn’t fit gets pruned back.

Varied Humanity
For me, [the story] was a deeply affecting and inspiring portrayal of a community, filled with all sorts of humans and all sorts of stories messily bumping into each other.
Varied Humanity
For me, [the story] was a deeply affecting and inspiring portrayal of a community, filled with all sorts of humans and all sorts of stories messily bumping into each other.

Your Particular Creative Genius
I hope you exercise your particular creative genius enthusiastically and often, and convert raw ingredients into something new and touched by you; it is sure to be delicious.
Your Particular Creative Genius
I hope you exercise your particular creative genius enthusiastically and often, and convert raw ingredients into something new and touched by you; it is sure to be delicious.

Unexpected Deliciously Texturizing
Structure provides a context and a container that makes the unexpected deliciously texturizing instead of sand-in-the-gears jolty. All you’ve got to do is leave a little room.
Unexpected Deliciously Texturizing
Structure provides a context and a container that makes the unexpected deliciously texturizing instead of sand-in-the-gears jolty. All you’ve got to do is leave a little room.

Palpable Openness
Bettye pierced some sort of veil of separateness, leaving in her wake a palpable openness that made different levels of human connection possible.
Palpable Openness
Bettye pierced some sort of veil of separateness, leaving in her wake a palpable openness that made different levels of human connection possible.

The Alchemic Moment
Use whatever ticket you’ve got to go to whatever it is that you may not be feeling, but might just be awesome.
The Alchemic Moment
Use whatever ticket you’ve got to go to whatever it is that you may not be feeling, but might just be awesome.

Choosing the Sun
If your version of a sun spot invites you to pull up a chair today, I hope you will find a way to say yes, even for just a few...
Choosing the Sun
If your version of a sun spot invites you to pull up a chair today, I hope you will find a way to say yes, even for just a few...

On My Mind
We are grateful for and intentional about keeping both our partnership and our business real, human, roomy, and heart-full.
On My Mind
We are grateful for and intentional about keeping both our partnership and our business real, human, roomy, and heart-full.

Love Front and Center
A few days before Valentine’s Day, I was awash in two of my absolute favorite love experiences at the same time.
Love Front and Center
A few days before Valentine’s Day, I was awash in two of my absolute favorite love experiences at the same time.

Joy Bursts
“Once in a while, you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right.” —From “Scarlet Begonias” by the Grateful Dead
Joy Bursts
“Once in a while, you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right.” —From “Scarlet Begonias” by the Grateful Dead

Love Lists
A Love List is a place to keep track of the specific moments, feelings, and details of life that bring us little bursts of joy.
Love Lists
A Love List is a place to keep track of the specific moments, feelings, and details of life that bring us little bursts of joy.

Countdowns can be about getting going, doing the hard thing, making it happen. They are often accompanied by a kind of steeling, a coiled gathering of self readying to…whatever.
Countdowns can be about getting going, doing the hard thing, making it happen. They are often accompanied by a kind of steeling, a coiled gathering of self readying to…whatever.

"today we are possible"
Our hands are all over every aspect of Urban Pharm, and we hope you feel that human touch.
"today we are possible"
Our hands are all over every aspect of Urban Pharm, and we hope you feel that human touch.

Improv and Co-Creation
Urban Pharm invites improvisation and trusts you as a co-creator. That’s, in part, why we started out with something that can be used in all sorts of ways.
Improv and Co-Creation
Urban Pharm invites improvisation and trusts you as a co-creator. That’s, in part, why we started out with something that can be used in all sorts of ways.

Honey Angel Love
Iceland is the land of long vistas, where one experiences unexpected combinations and grooves that might delight, enhance, or surprise.
Honey Angel Love
Iceland is the land of long vistas, where one experiences unexpected combinations and grooves that might delight, enhance, or surprise.

Anne's Idea of "Good for You"
Anne's ideas of "Good for You" range from library books to Urban Pharm cocktails.
Anne's Idea of "Good for You"
Anne's ideas of "Good for You" range from library books to Urban Pharm cocktails.